Primary Science
Curriculum Content

Based on the Singapore National Curriculum, our Science curriculum involves the study of scientific importance of objects in their immediate environment where students learn through discussion of topics within the curriculum, followed by hands-on experiments related to the topic. The curriculum focuses on listening to stories, looking at picture books, making things and using other resources to find information, such as the library and computers. It also aims at developing the language and literacy skills to describe their explorations in science. Students use their senses to form the basis of scientific investigative skills, for example, by looking, touching, smelling, tasting,listening. Students will relate appropriate words to scientific ideas in everyday experiences, discuss their discoveries, make informed comments, draw comparisons, recount events, ask questions and draw pictures. At the same time, they describe their explorations and write or dictate simple generalisations. They begin to share materials and ideas, and to act responsibly when carrying out procedures.
Through learning of the science program, our school aims to:
1. Provide a rich and stimulating scientific experience that will foster a fascination and interest in science.
2. Present science as an essentially practical experience based largely on first-and experiences in relevant contexts.
3. Develop investigative approaches to scientific enquiry that build the confidence necessary to tackle problems with increasing levels of independence.
4. Encourage discussion of scientific ideas, and the abilities to question and to justify.
5. Support a sense of scientific curiosity, and the development of appropriate levels of knowledge and understanding.
Students are introduced to a range of scientific contexts, which covers the following topics: